Tuesday, June 16, 2015 - 9:15am

Reminders for this week:

  • Thursday is our Father’s Day Store for the Explorers and Preschool classes.  Gifts are $2.00 each.  There is an envelope in your child’s classroom for you to write your child’s name on and whom they will be buying for.  Place cash or check in that envelope.  We can process any change on the day of the store and will return it to your child’s folder or cubby.
  • Friday morning is our Donuts for Dad!  From 6:45am-8:45am, we will have donuts in the front lobby of our Dads to enjoy!  Stop by and treat yourself!
  • Saturday is NASA Day on the Square!!  I am so excited that MCDC will be participating this year!  The event is from 10am-2pm around the square in downtown Huntsville.  MCDC will have a table on Education Alley on the Northside Square.  We will have face painting, cooling necklaces, chalk and bubbles, and games!

We will also be participating in a parade around the square ending with a few songs from our preschoolers on the stage.  We would love for everyone to join us!!  We will be lining up at 10:30am on Madison Street near Cotton Row.  We will be walking up Westside Square, turning right on Northside Square, right on Eastside Square ending at the stage.  We will ask our preschoolers to gather on the stage for a few songs.  Maps of the event are available on the parent table.  We will also have a sign-up sheet for the parade on the parent table.  Please let us know if you will be able to participate in the parade by either signing up on the parent table or emailing me.  We would like to get a count for the coordinators by Friday.  Please feel free to bring wagons, strollers, etc…. and decorate those items patriotically.  We will lead off the parade with a banner that the children colored!

I am looking forward to a fun week!!  Please let me know if you have any questions about the events this week.

Kelli Wright, Director

Marshall Child Development Center

(256) 544-8607

Author: Kelli L Wright
Monday, June 1, 2015 - 4:00pm

Way to go MCDC!!!  We raised $1445.00 for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital with our annual Trike-A-Thon this year!!  Thank you all for your support and generosity!


Author: Kelli L Wright
Wednesday, April 22, 2015 - 2:45pm

Trike-A-Thon Tomorrow Thursday April 23rd!!

Preschool C 9:00am-9:30am

Preschool B 9:45am-10:15am

Preschool A 10:30am-11:00am

Preschool Parents:

Please bring your child’s tricycle in the morning and place out front by your child’s classroom designated area.  Don’t forget helmets and knee/elbow pads.

Toddler and Explorer Parents:

You may bring a riding toy in the morning and place on your child’s playground. 


We will need the front parking lot empty by 8:45am.  Please make arrangements to have your child at school before 8:45am.  If you arrive after 8:45am, you will need to park in the medical center parking lot.  All parents coming to cheer on our riders, will need to park in the medical center parking lot.

Please let me know if you have any questions about this event!  I can’t wait to see how much we have raised for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital!!

Kelli Wright, Director

Marshall Child Development Center

(256) 544-8607

Author: Kelli L Wright
Friday, April 17, 2015 - 10:30am
Dear MCDC Membership,

Please consider running for a position Board of Directors position.  The positions currently up for election are Vice President, Treasurer and Member at Large (enrolled) and Member at Large (waiting list).  The terms for these positions will begin June 1, 2015. The Vice President and Treasurer terms are for two years.  The two Members at Large positions are for one year.

To get more information on the duties of these positions contact a current Board Member or you can go to the MCDC website review the MCDC Bylaws the MCDC Operating Policy or click on the "Board of Directors" link for a summary of duties under each Board position. The President and Registrar positions are required to be filled by NASA civil servants.  The remaining positions may be filled by any voting member in good standing.  The Member at Large (waiting list) position has the duty to represent parents who have children currently on the waiting list.  The Member at Large (enrolled) position has the duty to represent members currently enrolled in the MCDC. 


If you are interested in running for one of these positions, please send a short bio of yourself and description your interest in serving on the Board to Please submit all bios by 8 A.M. Tuesday, April 21st for distribution to the membership prior to the election.  We will then send out the list of candidates, including bios, for consideration by the membership.  Absentee voting will begin Friday, May 1 with the election on Tuesday, May 12 iBuilding 4220 room 1103 at 11:00 A.M.  


If you do not have access to MSFC buildings and would like to attend the election, please contact Kelli Wright

I encourage your participation in the election and hope that you will give serious thought to running for a position on the Board.


The success of MCDC requires an active Board of interested, involved and dedicated parents.  The Member-At-Large positions are a good way to "try it out" with only a one year commitment.


Thank you for your consideration and involvement and please feel free to contact me with any questions.


Jennifer Stanfield
President, MCDC Board of Directors

(256) 698-0964 mobile

Author: Kelli L Wright
Monday, March 30, 2015 - 9:45am

MCDC Parents:

Our Annual Egg Hunts will be taking place on Thursday April 2nd.  Creepers, Toddlers and Explorers will be hunting on their playgrounds at 10:00am.  Preschool will be hunting on their playground at 10:30am.  We would love for you to join us!

We will be taking donations of plastic eggs and/or filled plastic eggs, and candy or fillers.  NOTE: NO PEANUT PRODUCTS OR PRODUCTS PROCESSED IN A PLANT THAT CONTAINS NUTS.

When parking for this event, please use the staff parking lot or the medical center parking lot if the front parking lot is full.  Please do not park on the grass or on the curb located in the front parking lot.

We are looking forward to a fun time!

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Kelli Wright, Director

Marshall Child Development Center

(256) 544-8607

Author: Kelli L Wright
Tuesday, March 17, 2015 - 4:00pm

One more day to order some fabulous Usborne Books and More Books!!  You can do so at the following link:

Remember to click shipping with organization to save on shipping charges.

Remember also that there is a GIVEAWAY!!!  The book that is being given away to a lucky winner who orders by tomorrow, is on display on the parent table.  As well as some other selections to give you an idea of what Usborne Books and More has to offer.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Thank you for your support of our school!!

Author: Kelli L Wright
Thursday, March 5, 2015 - 7:15pm
Author: Kelli L Wright
Wednesday, March 4, 2015 - 7:45pm
Author: Kelli L Wright
Thursday, February 26, 2015 - 8:00pm
Author: Kelli L Wright
Thursday, February 26, 2015 - 8:00pm
Author: Kelli L Wright
