MCDC Annual Egg Hunt Thursday April 2nd

News Level: Urgent: 
News Date: 
Monday, March 30, 2015 - 9:45am

MCDC Parents:

Our Annual Egg Hunts will be taking place on Thursday April 2nd.  Creepers, Toddlers and Explorers will be hunting on their playgrounds at 10:00am.  Preschool will be hunting on their playground at 10:30am.  We would love for you to join us!

We will be taking donations of plastic eggs and/or filled plastic eggs, and candy or fillers.  NOTE: NO PEANUT PRODUCTS OR PRODUCTS PROCESSED IN A PLANT THAT CONTAINS NUTS.

When parking for this event, please use the staff parking lot or the medical center parking lot if the front parking lot is full.  Please do not park on the grass or on the curb located in the front parking lot.

We are looking forward to a fun time!

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Kelli Wright, Director

Marshall Child Development Center

(256) 544-8607 sends e-mail)