Call for Board Nominations
MCDC Families,
It’s time for our annual Board of Directors nominations!
Though being a parent run child development center is one of MCDC’s many strengths, Board turnover and potential lack of continuity can create certain challenges. It’s important that dedicated parents volunteer to run MCDC’s Board each year. The Board meets every two weeks via MS Teams and in-person when required.
The following four positions are up for election this year. Specific duties as outlined in our bylaws or business policies are included, but all Board members support MCDC in ways outside the scope of the specifically listed duties:
- Vice President, 2-year term
o Assumes the responsibilities of the President in her absence
o Coordinates the purchased of workman’s comp and liability insurance
- Treasurer, MSFC government employee, 2-year term
o Custodian of all MCDC funds
o Provides for the proper handling and recording of all financial transactions
o Prepares monthly detailed MCDC’s financial condition
o Prepares the annual budget
- Member-at-Large, 2-year term
o Recurring audits of MCDC’s business and financial operations
o Co-lead for Staff Appreciation Week
o Lead fundraiser activities
- Member-at-Large, 1-year term
o Recurring audits of MCDC’s business and financial operations
o Co-lead for Staff Appreciation Week
If you would like to run for one of the above Board positions, please send a short biography and indicate which position you would like to run for to the Board at by 1700 on Friday, 21 April. Please ensure you have read and are familiar with MCDC’s Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, and Operating Policies. Elections will be held the first week of May to give new members time to get up to speed on current topics. Elected Board members will officially begin their term on 1 June.
Carrie Olden
MCDC Board of Directors