MCDC Fourth of July Parade 9am

News Level: Urgent: 
News Date: 
Wednesday, June 30, 2021 - 1:00pm



MCDC Parents,


Our annual Fourth of July Parade will be TOMORROW  Thursday July 1, 2021.  We will begin lining up at 9:00am.  We cross over Morris Road, circle the parking lot of the facilities building, and return to the center.  We will have security escorts.


Please ensure that your child is dropped off and there are no vehicles in the front parking lot by 9am that morning.


If you plan on participating in the parade (which we love!) please park next door at the medical center.


Feel free to bring wagons, strollers, etc…. and decorate with patriotic bling! Older children are allowed to bring riding toys/bicycles, but only if they have a parent to escort and they must stay with their class.  No motorized vehicles please.


Infant and Creeper parents: please let your child’s teacher know if you will be participating and providing a stroller.  That way we will know how many “seats” we need. 



We will line up in the following order in the parking lot (not on the sidewalk):



Preschool A

Preschool B

Preschool C

Explorer A

Explorer B

Toddler A

Toddler B


You may wait outside for your child’s classroom to come out.  We will start lining up at 9am. 


We will have popsicles in the classrooms to help everyone cool down after the parade.


Hope to see you there!!  Please let me know if you have any questions.