MCDC Call for Board Nominations

News Level: Urgent: 
News Date: 
Friday, April 19, 2019 - 9:45am

MCDC Families,

In case you missed it in the April Newsletter:

This spring is the scheduled time to elect our Vice President, Treasurer, and Members-at-Large.  The Vice President and Treasurer are 2-year terms, and the Members-at-Large are 1-year.  As a bonus this year, we will have a special election for the President position for the remainder of my term (until next Spring).  Since my daughter will start kindergarten in the fall, I would not be able to fulfill the complete term, and it makes sense to go ahead and have the special election in concert with our normal one.

If you are interested in running for any of the positions, please send me an e-mail stating which you would like to stand for, along with a short bio to send out to the membership for consideration.  I will accept nominations through April, with the election to occur the first part of May and the new board officially being seated in June.  Details on the board positions can be found on our website at and the qualifications are outlined in our bylaws

I do hope you will all give serious consideration to running for a position.  As I often try to remind people, MCDC is a parent-run, non-profit corporation.  We are not part of the Exchange or a formal part of the MSFC institution.  As such, MCDC is shaped by the families that are members. 


Brian Mulac

President, MCDC Board of Directors