Corona-virus update
MCDC Families,
In light of the growing concern about the coronavirus (COVID-19), we want to assure our MCDC community that we are in communication with the Center management and monitoring the situation.
As a preventive measure, we are continuing to have the facility diligently cleaned, and our staff is wiping down common surfaces (doorknobs, light switches, telephones, etc). We emphasize the importance of proper “respiratory etiquette” and frequent handwashing to limit the spread of germs. We encourage you and your child to wash hands at drop off and pick up. There are sinks in the staff lounge and front bathroom, as well as in all of the classrooms.
We ask those who are showing symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath) not to come to MCDC. It is not only for the kids, but also the staff and other members of the MCDC community. As always, if your child is sick, especially with a fever, vomit, or any other illnesses listed in our policies, we require you to keep your children at home.
Per Alabama Public Health guidelines, please contact MCDC if you have recently traveled or have plans to travel in the near future in the high-risk countries listed here: (
We want to keep our MCDC community safe, while also keeping in mind the community’s need for caretaking services. The plan is to have MCDC remain open until Redstone Arsenal closes, unless someone associated with MCDC is known to have some contact with someone testing positive for COVID-19.
All tuition payments will still be due/owed in the event of center telework and/or closure status. If you are not eligible to telework, then contact Kelli for additional potential accommodations in the event of a closure.
Please be aware all of the above is subject to change since this is a rapidly evolving situation, but we will always keep everyone informed of any changes via email, Facebook and our website.
During the NASA Town Hall meeting, Steve Miley mentioned not being barred from taking care of a child while teleworking for this specific case. Please keep this in mind when discussing options with your supervisor in case any of your family members may be displaying symptoms.
Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns. We want to assure you that we will continue to reassess this on a daily basis as the health and well-being of our children is the highest priority for MCDC.
Thank you,
MCDC Board
**Sign up for text alerts: Text @mcdcf to 81010
**Please send Kelli an email if you would like to add an additional email address to the MCDC main distribution list
Kelli Wright, Director
Marshall Child Development Center
Building 4346 Morris Road
MSFC, AL 35812
(256) 544-8607