Accreditation Visit, Plea for Help, Week of the Young Child
Good morning MCDC Families!
This year our center is up for reaccreditation and we have been given our two week window for the visit. We will have two validators here sometime between March 25th and April 5th. So if you see two ladies that are unfamiliar to you in and out of the classrooms, you will know their purpose here. J
With our visit quickly approaching, we would love some help with a few items. These can be done during operating hours, or weekend days with coordination with me:
- We have two cots the need to be repaired. They are located in the front lobby.
- We have a kitchen set for Explorer A that needs to be assembled.
- We need the playground equipment (particularly the preschool) power washed or scrubbed.
- We have a wooden bench outside the preschool playground that needs to be put in the dumpster and two rugs on the back playground that need to go to the dumpster.
- We have a mat that needs to be repaired, located in the front lobby.
Please let me know if you can help with any of these items. If you can, please also check with your child’s teacher to see if they need anything done in their classroom. Thank you!!!
We will be celebrating the Week of the Young Child this year April 1st-April 5th. What exactly is the Week of the Young Child you may ask??
The Week of the Young Child™ is an annual celebration hosted by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) celebrating early learning, young children, their teachers, and families. We're so excited for a week-long celebration of our youngest learners!
Attached are the activities that we have planned for the week. Please let me know if you have any questions! I will be sending out reminders of the activities as the week progresses. Please also check your child’s classroom for opportunities to sign up.
A few important notes: the day of the picnic, everyone (excluding creepers and infants) will need to bring a packed lunch and drink. Please make sure that nothing you pack for your child has nuts or was processed in a plant containing nuts. Some suggestions for a packed lunch: lunchmeat, cheese, fruit, pepperoni, yogurt, crackers, veggies, etc…
There are several activities where if you have multiple children enrolled, you will feel pulled in different directions. We are fine with you taking a sibling to another class; however, please make sure their teacher is informed of their whereabouts, and if you take a younger child to an older siblings class, please keep a close eye on them as the materials are not age appropriate.
Have a great week!