2022 Budget

News Level: Urgent: 
News Date: 
Thursday, December 30, 2021 - 2:30pm

MCDC Families,


Thanks to all those who participated in our annual budget vote yesterday. We are pleased to announce the 2022 MCDC Budget passed. The Board, including Director and staff, works diligently to ensure we provide quality care for our families at a competitive rate while attracting and retaining talented staff members. The last two years presented unpredictable new challenges and we appreciate the support our membership has shown as we adapt and grow. As always, any further questions or feedback can be directed to the board at MCDCboardofdirectors@gmail.com.


New Tuition Rates Effective January 3, 2022:

Infants                  $262

Creepers               $253

Toddlers                 $244

Explorers                $238

Pre C                     $224

Pre B                     $221

Pre A                     $214


Budget Vote

In-Person: 39 Yes, 6 No

Absentee: 10 Yes, 5 No


Thank you, and happy new year!


MCDC Board of Directors

Robyn Crabtree

Alexandra Dominguez

Heath Martin

Eleasa Wilson

Mary Christian Brewer

Kate Estes

Sarah Bradford

Kelli Wright

Cecilia Finn